torsdag, april 02, 2009

as usual, a day late & a dollar short:

i'm starting this blog up for


(National Pwoermd Writing Month)

inspired by Geof Huth's blog

( i decided to try Swedish pwoermds

& see where it may lead )

see also:


2 kommentarer:

troylloyd sa...

it's a difficult curve trying to find something that actually works. coming to the language from English-Swedish instead of svenska-engelsk puts me at a disadvantage. i wanted to do "tonguetried" in swedish, but what i came up with was " tunganförsöka " and that doesn't seem to work very well. i'm hoping this process can help me with the microparticulars involved with the nuances of Swedish -- if it doesn't, at least i'll have fun trying.

in the comments section i will post word translations from the excellent online ordbok lexikon Språkrådet & in cases where they do not list a particular word, i will transcribe a brief entry from the Prisma's dictionary.

troylloyd sa...

another thing:

i hope ENKELORDDIKT successfully correlates the meaning of " single word poem " , i'm trying to find a native speaker with whom would be willing to screen some of my constructions & verify if they work or not, i don't have any Swedish poet contacts & the Swedes i'm in contact with are automotive enthusiasts, so i don't think this type of poetry would register with them -- my best hope as of now is Johannes Göransson , who i will email & plead with for assistance!