torsdag, april 09, 2009


4 kommentarer:

troylloyd sa...

Swedish entry word

English translation
echo,reverb, reverberation

- - - - - -

Swedish entry word
[ju:p] djupt djupa adj.
som har stort avstånd till botten; som går långt ner eller in

English translation

en djup brunn---a deep well
sjön är tio meter djup---the lake is ten metres deep
djupa skogar---deep forests
djupa tallrikar---deep plates
garderoben är 60 cm djup---the wardrobe is 60 cm deep

dras ner i djupet
be dragged down to the depths

. . .

Stephen Nelson sa...

These are great, troy. I'm beginning to really like the look of Swedish words. Imaginining deep echo!

troylloyd sa...

thanx Stephen,

yeah, this has been really fun for me!

for you:


Swedish entry word
[skåt:sk] skotskt skotska adj.
som är från el. avser Skottland

English translation
Scottish, Scotch, Scots

look at skotskt, it looks like a pwoermd doesn't it?

= )

Stephen Nelson sa...

I'm finding that a lot of Scots words and colloquialisms are pwoermds in themselves and don't need much tinkering. And, as you suggest, a lot of Swedish words look like pwoermds. That word "djup" for example, with the "ju" squeezed between the "d" and "p", suggesting so much more than its meaning - just looks good! And the balance and repeated "sk" in "skotskt" - brilliant!