tisdag, april 28, 2009




pwoermd dedicated to

Rönnog Seaberg


"P for people/P for proletariat/P for puberty and/pubic hair"



3 kommentarer:

troylloyd sa...

They've lived in Atlanta for 34 years, but that's less than half a lifetime for the seventysomething performing duo of Ronnog and Steven Seaberg, who are joined by Atlanta photographer and acrobat Mark Wolfe for their EstroFest show.

For the past several years, these multidisciplinary artists have been making a name for themselves as "acrobatic poets." That's not a metaphorical concept involving excessive diphthongs and iambic duodecameter. The Seabergs (and now Wolfe, too) create body sculptures with a series of interlocked acrobatic poses, while Ronnog recites her poems.

Often they perform in the nude. "We are very interested in the human body," Ronnog says. "The human body at different generations is something worth considering and most real ... . To forbid the body is some sort of self-sacrifice."

"Their poses are always really serene," says Donovan, "but the words are intended to shake you up." Words like, "I am here!/... I am a fossil/from residue in a tear./Longing for order and fear/of God, at least of a man/ordering peace into each peapod/policing by rod and ban." This from "Integrity," which the trio will perform along with "Life is a Joke."

Swedish entry word
förvandlar [förv'an:dlar] förvandlade förvandlat förvandla(!) verb
fullständigt (för)ändra
(A/x förvandlar y till z)

English translation
transform, turn into, change:
- - - - - - - - -

Swedish entry word
varandra el. varann [var'an:dra] pron.
not subject var och en (av två el. flera) den andre (el. de andra)
English translation
each other :

vi tycker om varandra---we like each other

vi känner varandra sen gammalt---we have known each other a long time

de föll i varandras armar
they fell into each others' arms


Anonym sa...


troylloyd sa...


full with beauty


an endlessness