lördag, april 25, 2009


3 kommentarer:

troylloyd sa...

Swedish entry word
anblick [²'an:blik:] anblicken noun
åsyn; påseende
English translation
sight, appearance :

vid första anblicken---at first sight
- - - - - - -

Swedish entry word
blixt [blik:st] blixten blixtar noun
snabbt ljussken vid åskväder (also used figuratively)

English translation
lightning :

han kom som en blixt---he came with lightning rapidity
det var som en blixt från en klar himmel---it was like a bolt from the blue

snilleblixt---flash of genius
blixtsnabb -t---quick as lightning
blixtvisit---flying visit

Anonym sa...

This is fine, this i like!!!

troylloyd sa...

thanx Satu,

it is based on my
signoff quote,
as you know,
